Oct. 17, 2023

369 :: Lyndsey Fry and Co-Host Corbin Rinehart: On Harvard, the '14 Olympics, the NHL, and the Infinite LEWP of Work-Life Balance

369 :: Lyndsey Fry and Co-Host Corbin Rinehart: On Harvard, the '14 Olympics, the NHL, and the Infinite LEWP of Work-Life Balance

In episode 369, Bradley is joined by a special co-host Corbin Rinehart, WindsorONE Business Development Manager.  They talk with Lyndsey Fry, Olympic USA Women's Hockey medalist and Arizona Coyotes Color Analyst. Lyndsey emphasizes the importance...

In episode 369, Bradley is joined by a special co-host Corbin Rinehart, WindsorONE Business Development Manager.  They talk with Lyndsey Fry, Olympic USA Women's Hockey medalist and Arizona Coyotes Color Analyst. Lyndsey emphasizes the importance of understanding your values and need for a balanced life, and how her LEWP Framework can help.
L - Love what you do.
E - Energize yourself daily.
W - Change the world with what you do.
P - Find Peace with what you do.
She also illustrates how understanding your goals and being willing to make sacrifices is crucial for success.

This episode is brought to you by The Simple Sales Pipeline® which will organize and value any construction sales rep's roster of customers and prospects in under 30 minutes.


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