Nov. 23, 2018

Ep. 51 :: Navigating Your Team Around No

Ep. 51 ::  Navigating Your Team Around No

No one likes to be rejected — to hear the word "n…

No one likes to be rejected — to hear the word "no". Salespeople included. Yet the ability to anticipate and navigate around rejection is the hallmark of high-performing salespeople, especially when prospecting. When sales reps are busy — and hey, when are you not busy? — prospecting often gets pushed or deliberately ignored. Why? Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, a big part of why we don't prospect more is because we want to avoid rejection; another reason is sales reps don't have an intelligent plan in place. In this episode, we'll solve both these problems. Prospecting skills are like muscles, they atrophy when not used regularly. So, let's do some reps! Thanks for listening.