386 :: Farrell Middleton :: Navigating The Bell Curve of Life

In episode 386, Farrell Middleton joins the show to talk about his home building career and the insights he's learned along the way regarding management, leadership, and how to navigate the Bell Curve of Life.

After a successful 36-year career in production homebuilding, Farrell moved into his long-awaited second career as a teacher, mentor, life coach, and guide. The Bell Curve of Life is his unique teaching, coaching, and mentoring program that focuses on circumstances that people find themselves in on a routine basis, both personally and professionally.

His goal is to work with business owners and leaders and their staff members to create healthier and more productive professional environments. This is achieved by focusing on positive attitudes, effective use of time, improved problem solving ability, and enhanced team dynamics. The results will be greater productivity, stronger employee engagement and retention, and better customer service - internal and external.

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